The New York City Transit Authority changed the assignment of Maintenance Supervisors at the Grand Avenue Central Maintenance Facility so that Maintenance Supervisors would have to supervise multiple groups of subordinate employees in the event a Maintenance Supervisor was absent. Historically, coverage for such absences would be made by assigning Maintenance Supervisors who had specifically […]
Continue reading…United Transit Leadership Organization Secures New Collective Bargaining Agreement With MTA
Congratulations to President Mario Bucceri and to the Executive Board and members of the United Transit Leadership Organization for its ratification of a new collective bargaining agreement with several affiliates of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority by an incredible vote of 283-14, or 95.3%. The agreement calls for three annual compounded raises totaling 8.25%, […]
Continue reading…IDCWLaw Prevails At Appellate Division: Municipal Employer Violated Taylor Law When It Discontinued Pharmacy Co-Pay Benefit
IDCWLaw has a wealth of experience in appellate advocacy, on behalf of its union clients. Partner Liam Castro’s extensive track record includes numerous successful arguments before New York’s Appellate Court, with two notable victories at the state’s highest court. This expertise proved invaluable in March 2024 when the Third Department sided with a coalition of […]
Continue reading…Subway-Surface Supervisors Association members overwhelmingly ratify new Contract.
Congratulations to President Michael Carrube and the board and members of the Subway Surface Supervisors Association on the overwhelming ratification of its new collective bargaining agreement with the New York City Transit Authority. 81% of the members voting approved the deal. The agreement overcame a wide array of obstacles including the Authority’s refusal to bargain […]
Continue reading…IDCWLaw Wins Improper Practice Charge For Union Concerning Starting Pay.
Starting pay for newly hired employees has to be negotiated. This ensures a fair wage, not only for the newly hired employee, but also as it relates to incumbent employees. Stated another way, it would be unfair for a newly hired employee to make more than an incumbent in the same position, sometimes the result […]
Continue reading…IDCWLaw Secures Emergency Injunction Against Nassau County Sheriff’s Department Concerning Staffing.
The health and safety of our union-clients’ members are paramount. We do not give an inch, and we act very quickly when, the need arises to enforce their health and safety rights. On March 17, 2023, late at night, the Nassau County Sheriff’s Department reduced the officer-to-inmate ratio to less than two-to-one at a local […]
Continue reading…IDCWLAW Workplace Safety Lawsuit Makes News.
Workplace safety is as critical an issue as any other. This is particularly true in law enforcement and the jails where workplace violence is most prevalent as officers deal with society’s most dangerous individuals. Specifically, at the Nassau County Correctional Center, inmate assaults and uses of forces are increasing disproportionately each of the last several […]
Continue reading…IDCWLaw Partner Liam L. Castro, Esq., Convinces PERB to Find Ulster County Violated the Taylor Law By Changing Supervisor’s Shifts.
At IDCWLaw creativity in arguing our cases is a bedrock principle. We took that principle and applied it to what seemingly was a staffing change, which is often a managerial prerogative. The Ulster County Sheriff’s Department supervisors work a different schedule than correction officers. The Department took the position that the scheduling disparity created supervisory […]
Continue reading…RITU Foremen Ratify New Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Congratulations are again in order for the Railway Independent Transit Union, to its President Shaam Somwaru, its board and all its members serving as Foremen at the Port Authority Trans Hudson (PATH) railroad. On October 18, 2022, the Foremen overwhelmingly ratified a new collective bargaining agreement. This was the first CBA since the Foremen elected […]
Continue reading…IDCWLaw Reviews New York State’s New Gun Laws, by IDCWLaw Partners Liam L. Castro & Cynthia Devasia.
In July 2022, New York State enacted a law restricting one’s ability to carry a concealed weapon within the State. Many of our clients are retired peace officers. Since this law impacts them, here is some useful information on how it does. Does S.51001/A.41001 permit retired peace officers to carry a ”firearm”, “rifle” or “shotgun” […]
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