Nothing hurts more than losing a loved one. It is a tragic fact that many wrongful deaths occur as a result of negligence. A wrongful death lawsuit can’t bring the person you love back, but they can help you get compensation for your loss. A wrongful death action arises when a person is killed as […]
Continue reading…Isaacs, Devasia, Castro & Wien LLP – Employment Law Attorneys
The United States Congress enacted the first federal employment law in 1888. Now, more than 180 federal laws mandate how employers may and may not treat their employees. In addition, every state in the union has its own employment laws that employers must comply with. Federal employment laws cover every phase of the employee-employer relationship: applying, hiring, […]
Continue reading…Isaacs, Devasia, Castro & Wien LLP – Sexual Harassment Attorneys
Workplace sexual harassment is illegal between employees, between a supervisor and an employee, and often between an employee and an outside contractor or vendor. The EEOC recognizes two types of sexual harassment. The first is known as “quid pro quo” harassment, or “this for that” harassment. Quid pro quo harassment occurs when an employee is […]
Continue reading…Isaacs, Devasia, Castro & Wien LLP – Family Medical Leave Act Attorneys
The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and its state-law counterparts require qualifying employers to provide qualified employees with up to 12 weeks of job-protected leave every year. The law also requires the company to maintain the employee’s group health benefits during such leave. The leave may be used for the employee’s own serious medical condition, […]
Continue reading…Isaacs, Devasia, Castro & Wien LLP – Abogados de Defensa Criminal
Defensa criminal Cuándo usted es acusado de un crimen, la sociedad tiende a verle en una luz negativa, a pesar del resultado del caso. Nuestra empresa criminal de la defensa, sin embargo, se basa su misión en el ideal que cada persona acusada es inocente hasta demostrado culpable. Con este principio que sirve como la […]
Continue reading…Isaacs, Devasia, Castro & Wien LLP – Criminal Defense Attorneys
When you are charged with a crime, society tends to view you in a negative light, regardless of the outcome of the case. Our criminal defense firm, however, bases its mission on the ideal that each accused person is innocent until proven guilty. With this principle serving as the foundation of our work, our attorneys […]
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Assault and Battery If you’ve been charged with assault or battery, you’re undoubtedly concerned about your upcoming trial, possible conviction and future livelihood. In the days ahead, it is absolutely critical that you consult with a criminal defense attorney who can help you navigate the complex legal system and create a strong defense strategy on […]
Continue reading…Isaacs, Devasia, Castro & Wien LLP – DWI Attorneys
In a concerted effort to reduce drunk driving, all states and most local counties have imposed strict laws against driving while intoxicated (DWI). If you are arrested and charged with drunk driving or driving under the influence (DUI), the consequences can be severe; you may lose your driver’s license, pay heavy fines, have your vehicle […]
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Domestic Violence Being convicted of a domestic violence charge can have long lasting negative effects on your ability to obtain employment, own a firearm or even see your children. If you have been charged with the crime of assault or battery against a family member, you must meet with a criminal defense attorney as soon […]
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People often talk about homicide and murder as if they are the same thing. And both are used to describe the death of one person at the hands of another. Legally, though, they are very different. The term homicide implies that one person is responsible for another’s death. Sometimes, such as in self-defense cases, it […]
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