Federal Law: Sexual Harassment (September, 2003)

What conduct rises to the level of sexual harassment? We get this question a lot and often answer the same way: it depends. For example, some callers ask whether rubbing a person’s shoulder is sexual harassment. Others ask whether an inappropriate joke is sexual harassment. Still others ask whether propositioning another is sexual harassment. For […]

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COs’ Benevolent Association Files Federal Lawsuit Against NYC DoC

COBA President Norman Seabrook Claims DOC Commissioner Horn ‘Vindictively Retaliated’ Against COs After COBA Called For the Ouster of Commissioner Horn New York, New York August 22, 2003 – Norman Seabrook, president of the 8,400-member New York City Correction Officers’ Benevolent Association (COBA), yesterday filed a federal complaint in United States Southern District Court against […]

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Civil Service Commission Reverses OATH Judge’s Decision

Correction Officers Who Were Suspended for Failing to Detect Contraband at the Queens Detention Complex Will Be Fully Reimbursed for Time Lost New York, New York July 30, 2003 – New York City’s Civil Service Commission unanimously reversed an Administrative Law Judge’s decision and awarded New York City Correction Officers Keith Morgan and Patricia Jordan […]

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